Friday, May 1, 2009

More Thoughts for Doreen

Hi again, sorry it has been a while since I posted, but your family has been on my mind every day. I'm glad to see and hear such good news about Doreen's progress. Thank you to all the family who keep us up to date on the latest. Prayers and best wishes to you all.


Monday, March 2, 2009

And Please Help Mrs. Forrester Feel Better

The other night my eight-year-old grandson, Jaxon, and I knelt beside his bed to say a goodnight prayer. As always, Jaxon prayed fervently for the health and wellness of the ones he loves. Close to the end of his prayer, he said, "And please help Mrs. Forrester feel better." I thought it was so sweet that he remember to include Doreen, and I'm sure that his prayer was heard.

Tina and family

Thanks For Blessings

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the blessings you have given to the Forrester family. Please reach down and touch Doreen with your healing hands, help her to bear the effects of the medicine that she has to take, and help her to get well.

Tina and family

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lift Them Up

Dear Lord,

Please take care of Doreen and her family, lift them up, and bless them.

Tina and family

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prayer for Doreen

Dear Lord,

Please give Doreen and her family strength, fortify their considerable courage, and bless them throughout each day.

Your servant,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Photos of the Double Rainbow Posted

I just posted more photos of the lovely rainbow, scroll down to see them.

Tina Roye Peevyhouse

Coming Home

So glad to hear that Doreen and Chuck are coming home. What an encouraging development. It's good to know that Doreen can get her treatments in Tulsa.

Prayers for Doreen's continuing recovery continue.

Tina and family